Journal Publications

Accounting for ground motion uncertainty in empirical seismic fragility modeling.
Bodenmann, L., Baker J. W., and Stojadinović, B.
Earthquake Spectra 2024
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Accounting for path and site effects in spatial ground-motion correlation models using Bayesian inference.
Bodenmann, L., Baker J. W., and Stojadinović, B.
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 2023
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The role of risk measures in relating earthquake risk at building and portfolio level.
Bodenmann, L., Broccardo, M., Galanis, P., and Stojadinović, B.
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 2023
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Dynamic post-earthquake updating of regional damage estimates using Gaussian processes.
Bodenmann, L., Reuland, Y., and Stojadinović, B.
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 2023
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The role of risk measures in making seismic upgrading decisions.
Bodenmann, L., Galanis, P., Broccardo, M., and Stojadinović, B.
Earthquake Spectra 2020
View at publisher Accepted version

Conference Proceedings


Validating a resilience quantification framework: The Case of 2010 Kraljevo Earthquake.
Blagojević, N., Bodenmann, L., Reuland, Y., and Stojadinović, B.
3rd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (3ECEE), Bucharest, Romania. 2022

Improving community disaster resilience by providing adequate supply of recovery resources and services.
Blagojević, N., Bodenmann, L., Reuland, Y., and Stojadinović, B.
3rd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (3ECEE), Bucharest, Romania. 2022


Dynamic updating of building loss predictions using regional risk models and conventional post-earthquake data sources.
Bodenmann, L., Reuland, Y., and Stojadinović, B.
31st European Safety and Reliability Conference (31ESREL), Angers, France. 2021
Conference Paper

Using regional earthquake risk models as priors to dynamically assess the impact on residential buildings after an event.
Bodenmann, L., Reuland, Y., and Stojadinović, B.
1st Croatian Conference on Earthquake Engineering (1CroCEE), Zagreb, Croatia. 2021
Conference Paper


Comparison of different risk measures for portfolio-level earthquake risk assessment.
Bodenmann, L., Galanis, P., Broccardo, M., and Stojadinović, B.
17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE), Sendai, Japan. 2020
Conference Paper


The financial benefit of earthquake retrofitting in different hazard environments.
Bodenmann, L., Galanis, P., Broccardo, M., and Stojadinović, B.
11th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering (11NCEE), Los Angeles, California. 2018
Conference Paper